Pivot: Self-Care Strategy

Hey Whisperers, it’s been a minute since we caught up. On my end it has been an eventful week; I was blessed with the gift of reaching my 66th birthday and year of life. Reflecting back, I feel immensely grateful for making it to this point in my life. I have now outlived a majority of my family and it truly is a surprise that I’ve made it to this point in life.

 I have outlived my grandfather who passed at the age of 64 from a recurrence of polio. I have outlived my father who died of colon cancer at the age of 52, and now I have outlived my mother who passed on at 66 years of age. So as you can tell 66 is a milestone for me and I plan to hang on tight and enjoy everything that I have experienced and achieved. And I plan to make this year an even bigger one.

For a time, I thought 60 was going to be it for me. I blinked and now I’m at 66 years…and what a ride it has been. Making it to this day has made me cognizant of how precious life is, and I cannot nor continue to take it for granted when so many have lost theirs to the pandemic. Life is a struggle but in spite of the hardships, it should be celebrated. In fact, because of the hardship, we ought to celebrate each moment and milestone of our lives with extra gusto. Savor each meal, enjoy every breath of air, laugh a little harder, and hold our loved ones a little closer. As cliche as it may sound, you’ll never know exactly which moment may be your last.

 This past week’s Menopause Boot Camp was an exciting experience as well as a challenge for me. I learned many lessons from the women that I serve, all while guiding them with my experience. In close virtual company, I felt their exuberance, wisdom, and candor permeate our Zoom circles. I am lucky to be surrounded by this community of peers who are blessed with confidence, ease, grace, and style which I admire and seek to emulate. That’s right. At 66, I am still learning and taking notes on the lessons I pick up while running Going Thru The Change LLC.

It reaffirmed to me that Going Thru The Change, LLC is filling a void in the community of support for the long-ignored women of menopausal age. The Bootcamp was just the beginning glimpse of what other services and offerings I need to build on. Hearing the stories, basking in the shared joy and struggle of going through this unique experience of womanhood was enough to reaffirm my mission. I will continue to pivot and reinvent Going Thru The Change LLC to service my community. I will continue to open up new doors and opportunities for myself no matter my age or season.

I am grateful for the chance to continue to be enlightened with the fuel of self-discovery leading the way. Now my greatest wish and question is… will you join me?

For this week’s journal challenge let’s reflect externally as well as introspect from within…

Prompt: Look in a mirror and ask the following questions

What do I see within?

What do I see on the outside?

What do I want to see during the year 2021? How should I pivot for my greater good?

XOXO, The Menopause Whisperer  

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